An Islay Elopement and Rhinns Roadtrip!

This wedding was due to be held at 11am... 🌧🌧🌧 But Islay being Islay, everyone was happy to move things around a wee bit and by the afternoon, Islay was bathed in the most glorious sunshine!

August has been a beautiful month for weddings on Islay. The wedding of Melanie and John was simple, beautiful and emotional. The ceremony hosted wonderfully by Nikki from @abregistrars was followed by a wee jaunt around the Rhinns of Islay - we stopped off together at Portnahaven, Currie Sands, Tormisdale Farm and finally Kilchiaran Bay

Congratulations to both Melanie and John, and hope that we see you back on Islay shores again soon! And thanks again to Jessie from Tormisdale allowing us to (carefully) step into your beautiful Islay barley!