An Ardbeg Family Wedding

Samantha and Martin brought their families over from mainland Scotland for a wedding to remember!

On a stunningly beautiful August day, the ceremony took place on the pier at Ardbeg, held by Gemma of Argyll and Bute Registrars. After a few drams on the pier courtesy of Jackie, it was around the distillery for some images, then off to the boat with Captain Harold and crew.

We took a beautiful tour up the coast, seeing stags, seals and more. The way back was taken at a bit more of a pace, much to everyone’s delight, and some truly memorable pictures!

It was an unforgettable trip, and just shows the different things that can be done on an Islay wedding!

Boat Trip: Islay Sea Adventures

Ceremony: Argyll and Bute Registrars

Locations: Ardbeg Distillery